Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"The Speech": Barack's Profile in Courage

"The Speech". That's what Barack's moving, beautiful speech today will be called from now on. No other description will be necessary. When I read the speech, I cried- that's how much it affected me. Beautiful, lyrical and courageous, it's what no other politician running for president has ever dared to say, lest they lay too much on the line. Well, Barack has bared his, and our country's, soul and it was perfect. How can anyone read this and not want this man to be their president? The biggest problem could be that he's too good for us; some factions in America have a nasty habit of trying to bring down anyone that threatens them. And make no mistake about it: Barack definitely threatens the status quo. He challenges us like no president since JFK, and no candidate since RFK. Can we possibly live up to his challenge? He thinks we can, and that's what makes us want to. If you haven't read the whole speech, please do it now. It just may change your life.


Anonymous said...

If you are so moved by this speech,
why don't you give us a link to it?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

First, I'm simply a blue-collar boy. I understand your opinion of Barack's speech and was also touched multiple times. However, I would rather vote for a republican than a person that sits under a preacher who damns america and does not say a word to defend america. i cannot expect him to protect the country on whose behalf he will not speak. might as well get a communist or muslim extremest---they all sound the same: " ... hate america ..." --- Rick, simply a blue-collar, america-loving boy.

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