Friday, September 4, 2009

The Crazies

The crazies are out in force about the President's speech to schoolkids next week. I work in education, & speak from experience. Sadly. I mean, seriously, what the hell is wrong with people? Even if they ARE right-wing ignorant bigots, you'd think they would at least respect the office, if not the man. Yeah, these sure are patriotic, God-fearing folks alright. Do these one-issue, Bible-thumping hatemongers actually know what Jesus preached about, or does their interest stop at the Old Testament? I know this shit shouldn't surprise me, but you know, it always does. I guess I believe in redemption, against all evidence to the contrary. Speaking of which, our office even got a few calls about some schools lowering the flag in honor of Sen. Kennedy last week.Apparently, there are a LOT of hateful, spiteful, mean-spirited people out there with obviously not enough to do & way too much time on their hands. It is so,so sad that people, especially those that call themselves Christians, have so little tolerance, love, & respect for anyone who doesn't agree with their narrow-minded, petty & downright hateful beliefs. As much as I try to see the good in everyone, it's just impossible with these types of people. It really does make me sad. As much as I hated everything that George Bush stood for, I would have never acted the way these parents are acting if this had occurred during his presidency (not that it would have happened, but, still). I work for a Catholic school system, & what's happening makes me ashamed that these people call themselves Catholic. I really am both angry & incredibly sad about this situation. There's nothing Christian or patriotic about this kind of behavior. Jesus would be ashamed, too.


Anonymous said...

well something similar did happen back in 1991 with h w bush. and the democrats made quite a big fuss about it. so don't be so quick to judge the "ingorant sleuts". the democrats did pretty much the same thing

Jessi Reed said...

Calling yourself a Christian because you attend church is just like calling yourself a car because you hang out in the garage. I'm new to your blog... and LOVE IT.