Monday, November 5, 2007

It's Hard Out There

All together now, you know the tune: "It's hard out there for the wimps, it's hard out there for the wimps," referring, of course, to the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, who are caving yet again to the Bush administration concerning the Attorney General nominee. I guess that because Democrats in general have had to end up voting for the lesser of two evils when it comes to presidential nominees for so long, they're just used to it. Amazing that they don't even recognize it when they have the upper hand. I read that if this nomination doesn't fly, Bush would just not name a new one, but will have an acting Attorney General. So what? Whoever's in there will be someone we don't like & can't trust anyway. Does it really matter what his/her (who am I kidding?) status or title is? If any of the sitting senators now running for President vote for this nominee, I hope & pray that it comes back to bite them in the ass come primary time. I'm sick of this crap, & I will not vote for anyone who, from now on, goes along with ANYTHING the Bush administration proposes. Absolutely nothing is going to get cleaned up, straightened up (or any other euphenism you want to use ) until Bush & Co. are out of power. Maybe when they actually are in complete charge (whatever that means to them), the Democrats will finally grow a pair. Even then, though, there is so much wrong & screwed up that it may take eight years to dig out of this morass we're in now.

Now for something completely different (thank you, Monty Python). My daughter burned me a copy of Britney Spears' new CD. I know, I know--what the hell am I doing writing about her (again) ? Well, my daughter asked me to listen to it, & I did. Actually, it's not terrible, if you like electronic/techno/dance type music (which I really don't). I'm just amazed that Britney took enough time out from driving around L.A. & going to Starbucks to actually record it. Even though she can't really sing, she is (or at least she was in the past) a pretty good entertainer, in the Janet Jackson mold. My daughter dragged me to one of her shows several years ago (pre-K Fed), & it was quite a production. The girl can (or at least could) dance, & she put on an extravaganza, with lots of flash & pizazz. Who knows (or cares) what her future holds? I think I need to be her mother for about six months; I would definitely straighten that girl out.

If you want to hear a great singer, please go to our friend Terra's site: She's an amazing singer-songwriter who's destined to be a superstar; British newspapers have compared her to Joni Mitchell. She's based in London right now, but we got to see her when we were in L.A. recently. She was there filming her latest music video for her song "Up Here" (my favorite Terra song). Please listen.


th-Inker said...

Hi, I was wondering what your opinion on Kucinich's move to impeach Dick Cheney was? I hope you've heard about it as the mass media propaganda machine is trying to gloss over the fact....

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.