Friday, January 11, 2008

Our Long Ride on the Short Bus

Isn't it almost unbelieveable that it's taken EIGHT years for the American people to finally get fed up & be ready for & willing to change? Talk about slow learners. Maybe it's all the new voters since 2000, but I don't think that's the whole story. Maybe we just have to be plunged into absolute despair to be open to hearing about "hope". As I've probably said before, there's just no excuse to have voted for George Bush twice. OK, I'll give you a pass (reluctantly) the first time, but come on, people, even animals learn from their mistakes if the consequences are bad enough. Are we really that stubborn, or egotistic, or (I've got to say it) stupid? Just that alone is enough for the rest of the world to sneer at us; we've become both a bully AND a laughingstock at the same time, it appears.

Well, folks, we now have another chance to redeem ourselves, to show the world we really do give a shit about something other than fearing gay marriage & Muslims. Although I wish that Al Gore would have given us a second chance to do the right thing, I can't blame him at all. I guess there is such a creature as a recovering politician, & God knows he's been through enough crap already. And Hillary has disappointed me terribly, especially on the war. Edwards is right on all the issues, but that bus left the station a while ago, & now he's just taking votes from Barack. So that leaves us with Obama, who I have to admit I used to believe couldn't really be a viable candidate, both because of his relative inexperience & what I suspected was a still insidious racism in this country. To my delight, I've been proven wrong. For really the first time since 1968, it seems as if young people have a candidate they can actually believe in & work for. Barack Obama is a true rock star candidate, & could possibly be the catalyst for real change not only for this country, but for the world. And face it, experience is overrated most of the time. Probably no one has more experience in government than Dick Cheney. Do I really have to say more? I think that Barack has ignited a spark in all of us which does indeed give us hope. I could vote for any one of the three, actually, & in any combination on the ticket, but the only one who inspires true excitement is Obama. Since there's a good chance that it'll all be over by Feb. 5 ("Super Tuesday"), those of us in states that have primaries after that probably can't make history as far as the Democratic nomination, but we can all make history in November, & show the world, as Gerald Ford said after the Nixon resignation, that "our long national nightmare is over". Can we get it right this time?


Maniaak said...

You put that together really well. I agree there should have been no reason for a Bush second term. It is time we pull our collective heads out of our asses and vote with our hearts not pocketbooks.

Anonymous said...

I love this blog! I won't get started on the Bush issue. I will be on a rant for the next ten years if I do, but ditto on what you've said here. I also think Obama would be our best choice. I do have to say...Arlan was right about your blog. I'm lovin' it!